Marco Pirovano Website Best Jedi And Sith Star Wars And Best Star Wars Movies

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Most Powerful Jedis And Sith in Star Wars!

1: Anikan Skywalker

2:Luke Skywalker

3: Rey Palpatine/Skywalker

4: Obi-Wan Kenobi

5: Mace Windu

6: Qui-Gon Jinn

7: Ben Solo

8: Ki-Adi-Mundi

9: Leia Skywalker/organa

Most Powerful Sith: 

1: Palpatine

2: Darth Maul

3: Darth Vader

4: Greivous

5: Count Dooku

6: Kylo Ren

                                                                           January 27, 2024

12 Best Star Wars Movies

1: Return Of The Jedi (1983)

2: A New Hope(1977)

3: The Phantom Menace(1999)

4: Rouge One: A Star Wars Story(2016)

5: Attack Of The Clones(2002)

6: The Rise Of Skywalker(2019)

7: The Empire Strickes Back(1980)

8: The Last Jedi(2017)

9: Solo: A Star Wars Story(2018)

10:The Force Awakens(2015)

11: The Holiday Special(1978)

12: Revenge Of The Sith(2005)

Febuary 19, 2024