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Planet x or planet 10 is a hypothetical planet in the solar system it is blue like neptune
The Trappist 1 System
Star: Trappist 1
Type: Red Dwarf
1: Trappist 1 B
2: Trappist 1 C
3:Trappist 1 D
4: Trappist 1 E
5: Trappist 1 F
6: Trappist 1 G
7: Trappist 1 H
Febuary 19, 2024
Wikipedia Information about the Trappist 1 Planets orbital periods.
These planets have orbital periods ranging from 1.5–19 days, at distances of 0.011–0.059 astronomical units (1,700,000–8,900,000 km)
The Solar System
Star: Sun
Type: Yellow Dwarf
1: Mercury
2: Venus
3: Earth
4: Mars
5: Jupiter
6: Saturn
7: Uranus
8: Neptune
9: Pluto
10(Hypothetical Planet) Planet X